Cousin Bob Burlington sent in this nice photo of Grandma and Grandpa Burlington sitting in the backyard of their home in Montvale NJ. Notice Ella's corsage: was it Mother's Day or Easter? I remember how I loved their garden (this was my first home, where my mother and I lived until my father returned from the war). Grandpa B. used to feed me baby vegetables from his garden! And honey from a green glass plate, fed with a gold spoon!
Bob also sent me a book entitled The Outdoor Heritage of New Jersey, which was co-authored by grandpa when he was a on the Board of the New Jersey Fish and Game Commission. You can find it on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/Outdoor-Heritage-New-Jersey/dp/B000DZG0YW/ref=sr_1_1/104-5668244-0159955?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1188927552&sr=1-1
Harry J. was a great lover of nature, and we remember how he loved to hunt and fish, but we need to understand how this fit into his overall vision for the land: he was a great conservationist and one of the earliest environmentalists. Someday I hope to get down to Trenton NJ to research the contributions he made to the environment. More on that one of these days...